Step into the Shadow with the Scorpio Supermoon

Monique Blake
7 min readApr 26, 2021

“The Shadow is the greatest teacher how to come to the Light.” — Ram Dass


What is the best way to sum up the April 26th Full Moon in Scorpio? In a phrase: ‘Emotional intensity on steroids.’ This is not a scare tactic. The intention is to prepare in order to make the most of this critical moment.

Scorpio allows us to submerge deep within our subconscious in order to heal the psyche. The intuition, insights, people, situations, crises, conflicts, challenges that show up around this Full Moon shine a light into the mysterious caverns of our mind so that we can clearly see what needs to be transformed. Alas, change does not always feel comfortable.

Let’s consider some of the many reasons that this Moon will be deeply impactful to our healing process.

First, the Moon is in the murky ebbs of Scorpio. When the Moon is in Scorpio she does not feel as resourceful. It is not a comfortable place. We are rarely prompted to change when nestled in comfort.

Scorpio is a water sign. In Astrology, there are 3 water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Think of a day at the beach. Look at the children standing in the shallow part of the ocean playing catch with a beach ball or someone floating on the surface. This laidback energy is Pisces.

Now, visualize a snorkeling experience. We are immersed in a world that is just beyond the surface. You can still see the light from sun. Our focus, however, is on the sense of connection and awe at being a part of this beautiful, colorful world. This womblike feeling is the Cancer energy.

Then there is Scorpio. It is the deepest part of the ocean. No one is sure of its true depth. It is the still, Zen-like experience that is far from the light of the surface. This is where all the shipwrecks and their hidden treasures remain waiting to be discovered.

This Full Moon invites us to dive deep into this watery abyss of emotions to discover the rusty sunken debris and fragments and to look for the riches they contain.

To add to this Scorpio intensity, the Full Moon is also a supermoon. According to NASA, a ‘supermoon’ happens during a full moon ‘when the moon’s orbit appears closest to Earth’. This makes the Moon appear bigger and heightens the effect.

Full Moons on their own are emotionally charged periods, even without the added blast of this month’s Scorpio supermoon. The aim of every Full Moon is to shine the light of the Sun (a conscious act) to reveal what lies in the darkness of the Moon (our subconscious mind).

What is the point of that? Well, our subconscious drives every single experience in our life. If we desire to feel empowered, to take charge and live purposefully, then we must explore where the light and darkness meet. In other words, we must step into our shadow.

Every Full Moon has a specific theme. This month, the Moon in Scorpio stand across from the Sun in Taurus. The goal of the Taurus/Scorpio axis is to manifest (Taurus) our power (Scorpio). To accomplish this, first let’s reconsider viewing life through the spectrum of opposition. Taurus is not the opposite of Scorpio. Light is not the opposite of dark. Good is not the opposite of bad.

They are instead interdependent parts of the whole. When we step into the shadow we give birth to the light of understanding. When we look for the benefit or opportunity in what feels uncomfortable or challenging then we can step away from shame, blame, guilt and claim our strength, resilience and power. When we integrate the light and dark, then we move closer to center and balance.

Secondly, there is a choice to make. We can use the Taurus/Scorpio energies from a skilled (productive) or unskilled (unproductive) level. With the Scorpio Moon we can give into the stagnant vindictive, controlling power plays or we can focus on the incredible power for regeneration and capacity to heal in times of heightened emotions. With Taurus, we can build on steadiness and stability or we can remain stuck in rigidity and stubbornness.

With the Moon making a difficult angle to Uranus, it is unlikely we will be able to remain stuck in our ways, though. Uranus is the Great Awakener and often brings unexpected shake ups. He commands our attention with surprises that destabilize our life for the expressed purpose of moving us further along to a greater sense of Freedom. Additionally, Pluto the modern ruler of Scorpio goes retrograde shortly after the Full Moon. Uranus and Pluto can bring out secrets that seem to come out of left field.

With a Moon stacked layer after layer with this emotional intensity, it may not be the most comfortable feeling. Nevertheless, make the most of this Moon by looking at the unproductive and destructive habits, patterns and relationships that present themselves now. And whatever you do, keep in mind that our darkest shadows are the greatest teacher of how to come into the light. This Full Moon step into the shadow for it holds all our secrets, all our Truths and most importantly, all of our solutions.

Do not be afraid of the dark!


This Full Moon we may not be in the state of mind to do much activity. With the Scorpio energy it is a perfect moment for deep inner reflection.

Do your contemplation while taking a warm bath, or at the ocean or a (warmed) pool:

Where do I own my power?

Where do I give it away?

Where do I feel free and powerful?

Where do I feel stuck and powerless?

Additionally, this Full Moon is a wonderful time to spend in the comfort of your home.

Cook your favorite comfort food

Tend to or start a garden

Buy fresh flowers for your home

Light incense or sage or palo santo

Listen to some relaxing and mellow music


Step 1: Cast your natal (birth chart)

Go to where you can do this for free. There is a tab for “Extended Chart Selection”. You will need your birth day, year, time and place.

Step 2: Find Scorpio in your natal chart

Do the following two things:

1. Look for the symbol for Scorpio. See below. It looks like this:

2 Look for it on the outer rim of the natal chart circle

3. Look for the Astrological House (or life area) that Scorpio rules

Follow example below


1. The Black Box shows the symbol for Scorpio

2.The Green Oval show the house that Scorpio rules in this person’s natal chart

STEP 2: SAMPLE CHART has Scorpio is on the 5th house

Step 3: Find the Meaning of the House ruled by Scorpio

Below to see the meaning for each Astrological House and determine what area of your life this Full Moon will illuminate. It will show you where you can claim a greater sense of Power.

STEP 4: Find the House ruled by Taurus

1. The Black Box shows the symbol for Taurus

2.The Green Oval show the house that Taurus rules in this person’s natal chart.

3. Use the chart above to determine the theme of the house ruled by Taurus.

STEP 4: SAMPLE CHART has Taurus on the 11th house

This will indicate where you are pulled to take action in order to bring a powerful healing during the Full Moon.


Use the template below to write a sentence that clarifies your FULL MOON shadow area.

Today’s I am motivated to take action with my fill-in-the-blank (house ruled by Taurus) in order to stand powerfully in my fill in-the-blank (house ruled by Scorpio).

EXAMPLE: Today’s I am motivated to take action with my hopes and dreams (house ruled by Taurus) in order to stand powerfully in my creativity (house ruled by Scorpio).


Here is Luther Vandross. I miss his velvet voice. His birthday is April 20th and every year around his birthday, I listen to my Luther playlist.

He sings my favorite version of ‘Impossible Dream.’ The lyrics speak to the feeling of this Scorpio Moon especially the line that says ‘to be willing march into hell for that heavenly cause.’ You, your joy and your freedom are that heavenly cause. This Full Moon, Dream that Impossible Dream!

#astrology #fullmoon #scorpio #supermoon #healing #shadow #fullmoonritual

